Which ENVI® Ecosystem Solution Best Meets Your Needs?
The ENVI Ecosystem is the industry standard image processing and analysis platform and what organizations turn to when they need quantitative information extracted from geospatial data to make decisions. The ENVI Ecosystem offers different solutions that make it easier for you to solve problems with geospatial data. As you investigate the solutions, it’s important to consider how you want to work with geospatial data and imagery.
In this blog post, we will quickly walk you through the options to help you select the best one based on your needs. If you want additional information, simply fill out this form and we’ll follow up with you.
When should ENVI be used?
ENVI software is used across industries and around the world to extract timely, reliable, and accurate information from geospatial data and imagery. Choose ENVI if you want to:
- Work with imagery on your desktop
- Work with multiple data sets
- Work with data from different modalities
- Tweak parameters to perform image processing and rigorous data analysis
- Customize tools using an API or visual programming environment

When is ENVI Connect the right solution?
ENVI Connect is a lightweight web application to quickly discover, visualize, and analyze data, and generate products. Choose ENVI Connect if you want to:
- Easily view and work with imagery in the cloud or on-premises
- Perform quick visual and non-visual analysis
- Produce, visualize and share products
- Collaboratively solve geospatial problems with colleagues
- Extend scientific reach to non-experts
When is ENVI Insight the best choice?
ENVI Insight performs automated cloud-based processing and analysis on remotely sensed data delivering valuable insights and answers to customers. Choose ENVI Insight if you want:
- An automated monitoring system
- Continuous insights and answers delivered to you
- A custom solution based on your needs
- To stay out of the minutia and steps in the process

Once you understand the various options within the ENVI Ecosystem and their individual and combined strengths, you can choose the best solution for your situation. Still not clear which solution is right for you? Talk with one of our experts by filling out this form and we’ll discuss what makes the most sense.